the answer to precarious questions

International Press Freedom Day is celebrated on May 3. joined National Construction Information Day. During the informal day organized by Movimento Mezzopieno we talk about constructive journalism and celebrate this important event.

Constructive journalism: more solutions to concrete news

Have you ever wondered what happens to certain news? We often talk about a subject for weeks and then, suddenly, we no longer know anything. Let's think about the case of Myanmar and the civil war: has no one ever wondered what happened to Aung San Suu Kyi? Or the constant feeling of oppression that we read in newspaper articles, with key words like “death, war, missiles”, which arouse fear and division among readers. Accusations, problems prevail and there is no room for solutions. These are the enemies of constructive journalism: the absence of solutions, the lack of continuity in the development of information and the resulting feeling of pessimism and addiction to information.

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Constructive journalism aims to fight against the precariousness of information. In a rapid information system within the reach of Click onit’s really hard to do “good journalism.” Constructive journalism does not claim to cancel the figure of the journalist, but has the mission of “training” non-superficial journalists. News is not a collection of words, but questions that must be answered: whether they are “good” or “bad”. If the information does not provide a clear answer, constructive journalism attempts to provide solutions. These are the key words we should all aspire to: propose one or more solutions to a problem. It is clear to everyone that a war is underway, but what can we do to rebuild, welcome or find a concrete and constructive proposal?

Journalism that dialogues with readers

Constructive journalism was born in Northern Europe, with the aim of providing solutions to current events. There is no such thing as “good” or “bad” news, but there is “good” or “bad” journalism.. The objective is therefore to celebrate press freedom by giving readers the opportunity to choose the solutions they consider most appropriate. In the most neutral and broad manner possible, constructive journalism thus becomes a means of helping readers to think about the news and not to experience it passively. The reader is part of the news, because he can choose, reason and understand.

Press freedom therefore requires constructive journalism, in all its forms. It is often a discipline linked to positive psychology. It is the journalism of problem solving, dialogue and logic. On May 3, it will also be essential to assess the situation of press freedom around the world. As indicated in the reports annual World Press Freedom Index, In 2024, Norway, Denmark and Sweden will lead in press freedom and Italy only in 46th place. They close the reports among the 180 countries concerned, Afghanistan, Syria and Eritrea. Data that shows how countries where constructive journalism was born rank at the top of global rankings. We celebrate this important day by recalling that the UNESCO Prize for Press Freedom was awarded to Palestinian journalists working in Gaza: an incentive for everyone to believe more and more in journalism which offers solutions and builds a new way of informing.

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