Super Tuesday, Donald Trump wins a landslide victory in 12 out of 15 states. Biden: “It’s a danger for democracy”

“They call it Super Tuesday for a reason.” Donald Trump didn't want to wait for final data to celebrate his triumph in the coast-to-coast primaries, the most important primary day of the 2024 presidential election cycle. Trump won in 12 states out of 15 and in a speech. From his Mar-a-Lago resort, he said, “We've done something that no one has done before in history.” “The world is laughing at us,” he added, then attacked his presidential opponent: “It’s the worst in history.” Joe Biden responded by saying the mogul is “determined to destroy our democracy, strip away basic freedoms like women's ability to make their own health care decisions, and approve another round of billions of dollars of tax cuts for the rich.” – and will do or say anything to gain power.

Fifteen States

Fifteen states held Republican primaries. Of these, the two most populous are California and Texas. More than a third of the delegates are in play – 865 out of 2,429. At least 1,215 delegates were needed to secure the nomination. In Virginia, Trump gathered 48 delegates: it's a state where Biden won in the last election. The former president is currently credited with 63% compared to 34.5 for Nikki Haley. North Carolina also gave him 74 delegates. Here in the last election, Trump won by one percentage point. From Oklahoma, 43 delegates will arrive for Trump and there was no contest: he obtained 77% of the votes. In Texas, 116 delegates visited the former president. 58 delegates arrived from Tennessee and 20 from Maine. In Arkansas, the delegates who will vote for Trump as the Republican Party candidate will be 40, in Alabama 50 and another 40 in Massachusetts. Colorado finishes with 37 delegates for Trump. VS

Nikki Haley

Trump also won in California, as did Biden. Nikki Haley remains in Vermont as the provisional delegate count shows us 413 to 52. To win the nomination, 1,215 delegates are needed. In Utah, the former president has a lead of more than twenty points. Polls in California, the state that awards the most Republican delegates, 169, will close in minutes. According to CNN, Haley will now have to decide whether she will support Trump.

Trump's base

Meanwhile the Washington Post, analyzing the results of the Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries, argues that Trump's electoral base has aged, become more conservative and more evangelical. But neither women nor provincial voters abandoned him. Age is the variant that stands out the most: voters over 65 represent 36% of its electorate, whereas previously they were 24%. The young Republicans, however, distanced themselves from him. Voters under 50 made up 37 percent of his base at this point in the 2016 campaign; they now represent less than 29%. Its share of middle-aged voters is also declining, from nearly 40% to around 35%. So far, more than 52% of his voters have described themselves as “very conservative,” up from about 32% in the first race. The percentage of its voters defining themselves as “somewhat conservative” fell from 46% to 38%. Less than 10% of Trump voters describe themselves as “moderate,” down from more than 20%.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden is following the Super Tuesday results from the White House. He surprisingly lost the Samoan caucuses to local candidate Jason Palmer. However, he won in Minnesota, Colorado and Texas, as well as Arkansas, Alabama, Maine, Oklahoma, Virginia, Iowa, North Carolina and Tennessee. No campaign speeches are planned tonight, and the former president and front-runner for the Republican nomination has no events on his schedule either.

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