Striano file before the elections: the names of the center-right candidates and future ministers of Meloni

While Guardia di Finanza lieutenant Pasquale Striano denies dossier activity on politicians, here are database queries on center-right candidates on the eve of political elections. And the pressure in favor of a parliamentary commission of inquiry is growing stronger. Just as there is talk of pressure on the appointment of the commander of the Guardia di Finanza. At the base is an article dated May 3, 2023 by Tomorrow, in which Giovanni Tizian (one of the three journalists from Carlo De Benedetti's newspaper investigated in the Perugia investigation) talks about Fabrizio Carrarini, then in the running to replace Giuseppe Zafarana. The newspaper defines him as too “left-wing” a candidate for the Meloni government. And finally the leader of Fiamme Gialle becomes Andrea De Gennaro, Gianni's brother.

The files

The newspaper rather, it recounts Striano's questions about center-right candidates on the eve of the political elections of September 25, 2022. First Andrea Delmastro, then Chiara Colosimo. Then Marta Fascina and Tommaso Foti (which dates back to October 20). While the Draghi government is on the verge of falling and there is talk of elections, the financier interrogated the law enforcement databases on four candidates. And, according to the newspaper, he then transmitted the data to Giovanni Tizian. Tomorrow. A new wave of searches was recorded three months later, when lists of ministers began to circulate. Precisely on October 20, while Sergio Mattarella entrusted Giorgia Meloni with the task of forming the new government, Striano queried the databases on Guido Crosetto, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Giuseppe Valditara, Marina Calderone and Giovanbattista Fazzolari. That is to say all members of the current government.

Cover image from: Dagospia

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