Is Villa Zeffirelli for sale? Silvio Berlusconi's heirs ready to get rid of former Forza Italia headquarters

Silvio Berlusconi's real estate assets risk losing another share. After the sale of the Lampedusa villa, the heirs of the former prime minister are about to get rid of another luxurious residence: the Villa Grande, also known as Villa Zeffirelli and located in a small street in the 'Appia Antica, in Rome. The one who wrote it Corriere della Sera. Berlusconi bought the Villa Grande in 2011 for more than 3.75 million euros, but the luxurious Roman residence was loaned free of charge until 2019 to Franco Zeffirelli, famous director and parliamentarian of Forza Italia from 1994 to 2001, whom he lived until his death. Villa Grande, writes Mailconsists of 1,250 square meters of living space and 1,194 of outdoor spaces, including a magnificent park, an annex and a swimming pool.

From residence to party headquarters

In 2020, after the death of Zeffirelli, it was Berlusconi himself who moved to Villa Grande and transformed the Roman residence, located in one of the greenest and most refined neighborhoods of the capital, into a sort of party headquarters. This is where the December 2021 lunch took place during which Antonio Tajani, Licia Ronzulli, Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni, Ignazio La Russa, Giovanni Toti discussed the possibility of electing Berlusconi as President of the Republic. The other key moment in Italian political life that took place in Berlusconi's Roman residence took place in July 2022, when the former prime minister invited the other center-right leaders to discuss the end of the government Draghi.

The property

Villa Grande is owned by Immobiliare Idra Spa, a company 100% controlled by Dolcedrago, itself 99.5% controlled by Silvio Berlusconi and the rest by his children Marina and Pier Silvio. In 2022, Immobiliare Idra closed the balance sheet with a loss of around 9.5 million. For the moment, the luxurious Appia Antica villa has not yet been entrusted to an agency, but – writes the Mail – the children of the former prime minister seem determined to sell him.

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