Stop the Patriots' vice-presidency: Vannacci is now unpresentable even for Le Pen and Orbán

Roberto Vannacci was rejected by all the League's allies in the Strasbourg Parliament. “The Patriots are a party in full restructuring, maybe I will not be vice-president but something else,” he said. But after the vote by acclamation on July 8, the blow came. Planned by National Rally: Marine Le Pen's party immediately expressed its doubts about the general. Especially for the homophobic judgments in his book, criticized by Jordan Bardella. Then Rn spoke of “one-sidedness” regarding the choice. Vannacci on Rete4 in the evening responded thus: “Well, let's say that there is a discussion in progress. The Patriots still have to crystallize. I spoke with Bardella, everything is in the process of becoming. However, this possible novelty would not change the importance of the League, which is the third force in the group. I may also have other tasks to accomplish…”. Now, Vannacci is also considered unpresentable by the extreme right of Le Pen and Orbán.

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