Stop invoice discounts and transfer of all construction bonus credits. The government ends the superbonus with a decree-law

Credits from the various building and energy bonuses will no longer be negotiable, and invoice discounts still possible after the various modifications to the superbonus law will no longer be used. On the evening of Wednesday March 26, the Council of Ministers adopted a decree-law which once again attempts to put an end to the chasm created in Italian public finances by the market of super bonuses and front bonuses.

During the press conference following the council of ministers, the head of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Giancarlo Giorgetti, explained: “We have also removed the provision of the bonus remittance institute which would have allowed communicating variations with small penalties.” From now on, for the construction bonuses which still exist (110% no longer exist), the procedure for starting the work must be communicated to the ministry with the planned expenditure plan “also to have data before issuing the invoices, in order to foresee the impact on public accounts” Giorgetti also had another partial ruling included in the decree, providing for a “limitation on the transfer of the Ace credit, an institution which no longer exists today after having been abolished by the tax reform. But on Ace, we started to notice fraudulent use of the transfer. »

Giorgetti then added that the real impact on the Italian public accounts of the various existing bonuses will only be known in a few days because at the end of the month “the window for reporting all credits as of December 31, 2023” closes. The Minister of the Economy concluded: “These measures aim to definitively put an end to the excessive generosity of a measure which has caused serious problems for public finances.” And on how the superbonus rule was born and how it has persisted, the minister attacks: “The fact that we are introducing surveillance rules demonstrates that these rules were born recklessly and have produced devastating results for public finances, I said from the beginning: I continue to support him, someone smiled because of the stomach ache, I confirm that it is very bad for me and for all Italians.”

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