Sondrio top for children. Gorizia for the young, Trente for the elderly

Sondrio is the province of Italy with the best quality of life for children, Gorizia for young people And Thirty for the elderly. These are the results of fourth edition of the survey on the well-being of different age groups in Italyprovided for Trento Economic Festival and published in full on Il Sole 24 Ore.

The best provinces for children

Immediately behind Sondrio, the other provinces with the highest quality of life for children are Ravenna, Trieste And Gorizia.

Verdi Theater in Trieste gettyimages

Verdi Theater in Trieste

The top 10 for young people

Looking at the young people, after the winner Gorizia, they are on the podium Ravenna (at number one last year) and Forlì Cesena.

The top 10 in this section of the ranking is covered by the provinces of Emilia-Romagna: in addition to those already mentioned, there are also Ferrara And Pleasurejust like in previous editions.

Ravenna Streets of Friendship Festival Zani/Casadio

Ravenna Streets of Friendship Festival

Provinces for the well-being of the elderly

The gold medal for the well-being of older people also in 2024 belongs to Trento. The head of this ranking is all northern: they are very popular Trentino Alto Adige, Lombardy And Veneto. In the second place we find in fact How and to the third Cremona. Also in the top 10 Praises, Treviso, Vicenza, Padua, Verona And Bolzano.

Bolzano GettyImages


Southern Italy at the bottom of the ranking

Generational indices reflect a consolidated dynamic in the “distribution” of territorial well-being in Italy. In fact, almost always the southern provinces are at the bottom of the ranking.

The achievements: Vibo Valentia, Siracusa, Catania and Crotone in the youth index

There is no shortage of various exploits. For example, we note the growth of Vibo Valentia, first for youth entrepreneurship (Youth Index). Syracuse, Catania and Crotone are on the podium in the indicator of average age at childbirth (Youth Index).

Hot in Catania, people on the beach of San Giovanni Li Cuti handle

Hot in Catania, people on the beach of San Giovanni Li Cuti

Catanzaro and Pescara in the elderly index

Catanzaro and Pescara are third and fourth in terms of the number of geriatricians per 10,000 inhabitants over 65 years old (elderly index).

Large metropolitan areas are bad

Consistent with previous findings, large metropolitan areas do not perform well. Especially when it comes to the well-being of young people: with the exception of Bologna (14th) and Florence (33rd), the main urban centers are all positioned from the middle of the table. Milan is 45th – although increasing – while Naples, Palermo And Rome (98th) records the worst scores.

The Navigli of Milan HANDLE

The Navigli of Milan

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