Silvio Viale: the radical and gynecologist “on the side of women” accused of harassment and groping

Silvio Viale is a Turin gynecologist who has long been involved in politics alongside the radicals. He is currently a municipal councilor in Turin for “Europe and Italian Radicals”. He has always been at the forefront of the battles for abortion and RU-486. But today, the prosecutor's office received four complaints from girls aged 20 to 25. Who accuse him of harassment. Those exposed speak of groping, invasive sexual phrases and physical references. Deputy Prosecutor Cesare Parodi is investigating. All four of them had gone to visit him in Viale and it was the first time they had seen him. And they came together around this very effective electoral slogan: “The gynecologist on the side of women”. But after making an appointment at his office, things changed.

Operation mode

The imprint he claims today that, according to investigators, Viale's modus operandi is indeed a modus operandi. The doctor took advantage of his role, according to testimony. Lawyer Benedetta Perego, who assists the plaintiffs with Ilaria Sala, says that resorting to the judicial authorities “required a lot of courage on the part of the offended people.” “Our clients would have liked this story not to be publicized, but they hope that this will allow a rapid discovery of the truth,” adds the lawyer. Who then launches an appeal: “The systematic nature that emerges from the stories gives us hope that if other women have had similar experiences, they will find the courage to speak out, to know that they are not alone “.

The defense of Viale

Avenue with The imprint he rejects all accusations: “I’m sorry, I don’t know anything, I don’t know what to say. I really can't understand. I don't even know the context you're talking about.” One of the testimonies of the young girls accusing Viale was read during the feminist marches in Turin. She is the first woman to accuse the gynecologist and this dates back to November 25. Between -time, other cases broke out in the city. A university professor, Giancarlo Di Vella, rejected the accusations against him, saying he was from the South and therefore particularly affectionate. A philosophy professor was suspended for a months from the university for the same reasons. And in the meantime, “hundreds” of complaints have reportedly been filed with the university office.

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