“Show yourself without shame, every body has its beauty”

No one can stop Emma.

The exuberant singer from Salento, during one of her last concerts in Azzano Decimo, Pordenone, between one song and another, returned to address one of the issues close to her heart, which over time has become a personal fight: that against 'body shame'. A lesson in dignity and self-respect, delivered to adoring fans on a musical evening like so many others that turned into something more.

Emma knows well what it means to be put down, criticized for a physicality that does not conform to the dictates of social networks. He knows well what it means to see his body put to the test by diseases, surgeries and invasive therapies. His strength and charisma have also been shaped by the suffering he has experienced and by the vitality with which he has overcome obstacles.

So a few nights ago, from the stage on which he was performing, between the cries of admirers who shouted “you are beautiful” at her, the 40-year-old artist he once again launched his appeal: “Who knows tomorrow what they will write on social networks about my body, which is not good. I don't care.”

Then, aimed especially at young girls, those who still have a little life to live to have strong and big shoulders like me,” he continued: “Don't be behind certain things. Every body has its dignity, every body has its beautyperfection doesn't exist and if it does, it's because a surgeon has had a hand in it, believe me.”

Show yourself without shameshameless, as i do. I don't care what they write, I didn't make it to 40 for four ignorant people to tell me how I should dress.” she said, referring to those who criticize her. especially on social media.

And again: “I'm proud of my body. She's fought a lot of battles and if I want to go on stage naked, I think I can afford to do it, no matter what. Always feel free and free to express yourself as you wish for yourselves. The one who judges, it is probably because his life is so broken that he has nothing left but to speak ill of others.”

Emma now has broad shoulders. Having ended up too often in the pages of newspapers and on social networks because of her figure and her clothes, she has learned to go further, not to let herself be scratched and this is the message she wants to convey to those who follow her. concerts and I love her not only for her artistic achievements.

During the Sanremo Festival of In 2022, her skintight “total black” look was rejected and harshly criticized on social media: “If you have a wide leg, avoid wearing fishnet stockings,” they wrote. His exemplary response: “Hello from the Middle Ages.”

Following in Emma's footsteps, other artists are also using their bodies to send messages of acceptance, respect and self-love. Among the most active on this front are Big mama who, at the last Sanremo Festival, presented herself with the song 'La rage non ti basta', a very sincere and personal song that speaks of transformation and redemption after a past of violence and internal crisis.

The rapper and LGBTQ+ activist brought her message of equality and denunciation of harassment and body shame also on the stage of the May 1st Concert in Rome and even in the hall ofUnited Nations General Assembly.

In front of an audience of two thousand high school students from all over the world, she said: “My whole life, I was made to believe that I was completely wrong. My appearance made people consider me “not enough” before I could even really know. At 13, I wrote my first song, Charlotte, a rap about suicide and self-harm and for three years, I kept it all to myself until I had the strength to put it on YouTube.”

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