Sharon Verzeni's killer 'knew her schedule'. Two suspicious shadows in the cameras

Sharon Verzeni's killer knew her schedule and movements. And two characters remained imprinted in the cameras between via Castagnate and piazza 7 Martiri in Terno d'Isola, in the province of Bergamo. Even if they did not frame the moment of the attack. The woman always had her mobile phone on her and had left her wallet at home. It is therefore unlikely that she was the victim of a robbery gone wrong. Meanwhile, her boyfriend Sergio Ruocco is in Seriate. Yesterday, Sharon's father explained that his daughter went out at night on the advice of the dietician. Investigators will examine the mobile phone of the victim and her boyfriend.

The suspect

Investigators also suspect that the killer knew his victim's movements. And that he attacked not to steal but to kill. A known person, capable of harboring a grudge for reasons that are still unknown. Or one of those latecomers who populate the benches of the center at late hours. According to an initial reconstruction of the crime, the killer surprised her from behind. Wounding her with three stab wounds in the back. Perhaps without Sharon realizing, at least at first, that she was being attacked and she did not have time to see who was hitting her. And after she turned around, the killer hit her three more times. With particular ferocity and without hesitation. One stab wound hit her in the chest and two others in the abdomen.

Who killed her?

Whoever killed her probably knew about these late-night walks that she also took to lose weight, as advised by a dietician: so he probably waited for her and ambushed her. Even today, the military have viewed the municipal video surveillance cameras, which do not, however, cover the area of ​​the attack. And images of some private homes have also been acquired.

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