Sanremo, the former policeman who clocked in in his underwear also wins in the Supreme Court: he obtains 230 thousand euros and 18 monthly payments

The former police officer from Sanremo, filmed in 2015 while he was clocking in his underwear, also won the (last) battle before the Supreme Court. The judges in fact rejected – writes the Corriere della Sera – the appeal of the Ligurian municipality against the ruling of the Civil Court of Appeal that had already described his dismissal as “illegitimate”. Alberto Muraglia, that's his name, was tried following the Stachanov operation of the Financial Police on the alleged absenteeism of employees of the Municipality of Sanremo and on October 28 the Court of Appeal of Genoa annulled the disciplinary measure of dismissal pronounced against him. in 2016. The Municipality therefore had to pay Muraglia all the arrears, that is 227 thousand euros gross (about 130 thousand after taxes). “Objectively, he is right – says his lawyer, lawyer Alberto Luigi Zoboli – it turned out that the reality was very different from what could appear in these photos”.

Muraglia will fight for compensation

According to the lawyers of the former police officer, the amounts of the Commune do not however include certain items, such as the sums for unused leave, the revaluation and the interests: “He paid the minimum wage, without taking into account the revaluations of the Istat, the unappreciated holidays and other votes”, he explained to the Mail one of the lawyers. “While Muraglia has chosen to terminate the employment relationship with the Municipality, another employee from Sanremo has been rehired and two others also from Sanremo have the possibility of winning similar disputes. All this stems from the inconsistency of the so-called anti-lazy law wanted by Minister Brunetta, which allows immediate dismissal, unless the criminal proceedings establish otherwise,” he concluded.

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