Rome, the Rai employee suffering from mesothelioma who reported asbestos in Viale Mazzini has died: the public prosecutor's office opens an investigation

Former Rai employee Mariusz Marian Sodkiewicz, who filed a complaint in March to identify “the managers responsible for the lack of protection of employees exposed to asbestos” at the Viale Mazzini headquarters, died on Monday May 13 as a result of the tumor he had contracted. I talked about it a few days ago The Republic. “Every year, when we hung the calendars, someone would say: 'Don't make holes in the wall because there's asbestos.' It looked like jokes, but they weren't,” said Sodkiewicz, who worked in the public broadcaster's Roman offices for 22 years, since 2002. “In July 2023, the man started presenting the characteristic symptoms of pleural mesothelioma: breathing difficulties, persistent cough and chest pain. Subsequent clinical tests confirmed the presence of the disease, attributing it to its exposure to asbestos”, explains Ezio Bonanni, president of the Observatory. national asbestos. The same one who also deals with the Franco Di Mare case. The diagnosis is the same: mesothelioma, this aggressive tumor which, in 90 percent of cases, is due to exposure to asbestos dust. To shed light on this matter, the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office opened an investigation into negligent injuries and ordered the suspension of the funeral to allow an autopsy and further investigations. “Sodkiewicz's death, which also raises questions about workplace safety and institutional accountability, is one of many painful testimonies to the devastating consequences of asbestos exposure in the workplace.” commented Bonanni.

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