Videos of Fedez's “punitive expedition” for Cristiano Iovino and the ultra friends of the beating

It was rapper Fedez who organized the “punitive expedition” against Cristiano Iovino. Because of one word too many said to Ludovica di Gresy. And it all happened in a little over half an hour. From the moment the contestants were kicked out of the nightclub The club after the fight on the night of Sunday April 21 to Monday April 22 which gave rise to the fights via Marco Ulpio Traiano. However, the personal trainer of the intimate meeting with Ilary Blasi remained silent towards the police, did not seek treatment and did not file a complaint. And meanwhile, investigators are closing in on the magic circle of ultra friends of Chiara Ferragni's estranged husband. Made up of kickboxing instructors and men who are on the railing of the Curva Sud every Sunday with first and last names.

The mystery of Ludovica di Gresy

Ludovica di Gresy is the girl who often accompanies Fedez these days. According to recent reconstructions, it was also located in the restaurant of Largo La Foppa. While the rapper was at the console. And something Iovino said to the girl allegedly started the fight. But according to the singer's friends, it didn't happen that way. In the sense that the girl had nothing to do with the fight. And that's something else that triggered the reaction of Fedez and his friends. Force the club's bouncers to intervene and evict the two suitors. Investigators, who are currently only investigating the fight since injuries can only be prosecuted upon complaint, have seen the videos. Which are very sharp. The case is currently open for fights, injuries and assault in competition. Prosecutor Michela Bordieri is investigating. Fedez said he wasn't there, Via Traiano. Two vigilantes and the cameras seem to deny it.

Video of the attack

Video of today's attack tells the story National newspaper. It all starts at 3.23 and 20 seconds on April 22. One of the internal cameras in the six Parco Vittoria towers records a person on the sidewalk waiting for someone else. This is Cristiano Iovino. A black mini-van arrives from via Petitti and stops at the pedestrian crossing in the middle of the road. A thin man comes out first and approaches the other almost skipping. The distance does not allow us to provide certainty with images alone, but it is the two vigilantes who say that it is Fedez. The figure walks towards Iovino, standing guard like a boxer. He tries to punch him, but the sports trainer is taller than him and dodges the blows. At that moment, a third man arrived and attacked the 37-year-old Roman. Immediately afterwards, five or six others follow him. At this point, the video shows the pack raiding the person who ends up on the ground.

The girl and the ultras

There is also a girl near the van. Which could well be Ludovica Di Gresy. From the video, he appears to have blonde hair. The punitive expedition is interrupted by the arrival of a taxi which cannot pass because the other car is occupying the road. That's when the thugs get back into the van. But first, they turn to the vigilantes and shout: “Don't call anyone, mind your own business.” However, they immediately mentioned Fedez's name to the police. And the soldiers note it to the CNR which will end up at the police station. Meanwhile, La Stampa talks about the tragic circle that forms around the singer. This is demonstrated by a photo taken at another Milan club, Volt. There is Fedez and next to him Islam Hagag alias Alex Cologno. Under arrest since Saturday evening for the stabbing attack on a 25-year-old Romanian after Milan-Cagliari. Alessandro Sticco, 42, and Luigi Mangini, 43, were also inside. Other people under investigation at liberty: Roberto S., 59 years old, Luciano R., 49 years old, and Mario A., 47 years old.

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