Rome, insults towards Liliana Segre during the pro-Palestinian march: “She usurps the term genocide, blind to the massacre in Gaza” – Video

New day of mobilizations throughout Italy in solidarity with Palestine and against the “genocide” in Gaza, as anti-Israeli students and activists insist on defining it. In the fervor of the demonstrations, senator for life Liliana Segre also finds herself in the minced meat of criticism in Rome: precisely because of her inability to take a position – according to the leaders of the place – against the Jewish State. “We have further proof of the immortal victimization of our dear senator for life, and even after life, Liliana Segre,” shouted into the megaphone one of the activists leading the march in Rome. The survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camps, for the anonymous howler in military uniform and keffiyeh around his neck, “mythologizes the term genocide, declaring that it is too often used for everything, as if it were a exclusivity, an acquired right of a few. . She who has big eyes and glasses, but who is blind to the Palestinian doctors in the Gaza hospital who are treated like slaughter animals, stripped naked and slaughtered. » There was also its share of insults during the march against the journalist David Parenzo, designated as “one of the cornerstones of Zionism made in Italy”. The demonstrators crossed the streets of the capital to the sound of Ghali's song “Casa mia”, following a truck on which was displayed a photo of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, their hands stained with blood . and the words “Stop the genocide”. Choirs in tune throughout the journey: “They kill women, they kill children, Israel is a state of murderers”; “Against the government which has made us a country of war”; and again: “Free Palestine, Intifada until victory” and the inevitable “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. Arriving under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, the march then launched “against government repression, against batons”, but also against “those who kill public education, the very ones who wage war “. Rallies in the name of “ceasefire now” at the same times also in Milan, in Piazza San Babila and in Livorno, at the initiative of the Democratic Party.

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