Rome, cancer patient beaten on subway while on his way to chemo: theft for a backpack

A 30-year-old cancer patient was attacked and beaten on the subway as he was heading to the Umberto I hospital to undergo chemotherapy. The incident dates back to July 3, when the young man boarded the subway with a backpack on his back that contained all the clinical documentation and the latest tests needed to undergo chemotherapy. Naturally, his wallet was also inside, which led to a brutal robbery while he was waiting for the subway B at Rome's Termini station. “I was attacked from behind with a punch or a slap, thrown to the ground, kicked and dragged across the platform. All, in the end, for only 50 euros that were in the backpack,” the thirty-year-old said, quoted by The messenger.

The victim's story

“The previous therapy had never caused me serious consequences, but this time I was hospitalized for gastroenteritis, perhaps due to stress. After that episode, I felt very bad,” he added. The 30-year-old reported the attack to the police and one of his attackers has already been identified. “I didn't have the chance to understand who they were or to see them clearly because I was taken by surprise, from behind, but there must have been 4 or 5 of them. It all happened very quickly. I was moved to the end of the platform and that's when they hit me.”

“I heard a terrible blow, I was among the people, I fell forward and they were dragging me because they couldn't get my backpack off. To make me let go, they kicked and punched me,” continued the victim, who now has scratches on his arms and bruises on his face and neck. As if that weren't enough, he lost all his medical records, fortunately recoverable online. “But that day, I couldn't have chemo,” he concluded.

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