Germany, knife ambush during an anti-Islam meeting: at least two injured. Police shoot attacker – Video

The ambush that occurred this morning in Mannheim, where a man armed with a knife injured several people, shook Germany. The attacker, after a first attempt to escape, was neutralized by a shot fired by an officer. According to local police, the ambush left at least two people injured on the ground. One of the two is a police officer, who is said to be in serious condition and who will require surgery, the agency reports. Dpa. However, the budget could increase. The attack occurred during a public meeting of the anti-Islam civic movement Pax Europa. And among the injured is conservative politician and Pax Europa activist Michael Stuerzenberger. The latter is known throughout Germany for his controversial positions, notably for having launched a popular petition against the construction of a mosque in Munich and for having been convicted twice, once for insulting an officer and another for incitement to hatred and denigration of religious teachings. .

Scholz: “Unacceptable violence in our democracy”

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke about the ambush and said in X: “The images from Mannheim are terrible. Several people were seriously injured by an attacker. My thoughts are with the victims. Violence is absolutely unacceptable in our democracy. The culprit must be severely punished. » And the German Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser (SPD), wrote that “if the investigations were to reveal an Islamist motive, this would be a further confirmation of the great danger represented by the acts of Islamist violence against which we have guard”.

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