Rome, a disabled student falls from a high floor of the school: he is in critical condition

A 17-year-old disabled boy fell from an upper floor at the Caravillani art high school in Villa Pamphili, Rome. The young man, writes the press agency Act, was rushed to San Camillo, where he underwent delicate surgery and remains in critical condition. The episode occurred on the afternoon of Monday May 27. Shortly after school ended, the boy did not get on the bus taking him home. The driver and assistant asked school staff for information, but no one knew where he had ended up. After a few minutes of searching, the young man was found lying on the ground, unconscious.

The Rome public prosecutor's office has opened a file, without suspects, to reconstruct what happened. One of the main questions that will need to be answered is: how is it possible that the disabled and autistic boy managed to reach one of the upper floors of the school building without any control? It is precisely because of his “psychic and emotional fragility”, reveal certain anonymous sources.Act“The high school management had decided, precisely to avoid extreme actions, to move its classes to a classroom located on the ground floor of the school building.”

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