“Rai was born with sport and sport is told for the first time with Rai”

Presentation of the Rai sports calendar for 2024. A season rich in events: from football with the Europa League and the European Championships to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, from the European Athletics Championships in Rome to the Giro Italia and the Tour de France. from cycling to big tennis with the Rome International, the Davis Cup and the ATP Finals in Turin.

“I would like to warmly thank Rai because this offer that is made this year is the result of an enormous effort from an economic and editorial point of view that elevates the company to a central role in the storytelling of sport, an element of aggregation and national identity very important also because it is very linked to the history of Rai Rai was born with sport and sport is told for the first time with Rai”, declared the general director of Rai. Rai, Giampaolo Rossi, during the presentation press conference.

“On January 3, 1954, when Fulvia Colombo made the first announcement, the first program was Pomeriggio Sportivo,” Rossi later recalled. “Rai was born with sports programming. The sports narrative is inextricably linked to Rai, Rai's commitment to sports is a civil commitment and also plays a constitutional role, given that sports has been included as a driving force of training and education in our country.

The CEO of Rai, Roberto Sergio, still during the press conference presenting the sports program, declared: “Today the presence of the company here is significant, it wants to certify the importance of the value of the sport in plain language and what is offered to Italians in the civil service. In recent years, we have had the opportunity to acquire significant sporting rights.”

Sergio recalled that “we are finally back to free-to-air football, one of the things we are asked for the most. The day after tomorrow we will see the Europa League with the AC Milan-Roma match.”

Among the new features, there are also the Paris Paralympic Games which, along with the Olympic Games, will find their “home” on Rai2. “We believe in it a lot and it is right that Rai itself makes itself available for the Paris Games,” underlined Sergio.

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