Chiara Nasti sued by supermarket cashier: “Now customers are insulting me.” The influencer's explosion for waiting in line while pregnant

A lawsuit is coming for influencer Chiara Nasti after her social media outburst last March, when she complained that supermarket customers wouldn't let her skip the checkout line with priority given to pregnant women and people with disabilities: “Crazy stuff, disgusting,” said the wife of Lazio striker Mattia Zaccagni, showing in the video customers who would not let her pass, including the cashier at the Roman supermarket And the cashier herself decided to turn to her lawyer, Mario Pinelli, to sue Nasti for defamation against the postal police.

After Nasti's video was posted, the cashier said she was harshly reprimanded by some customers. In addition, she was also recalled by the supermarket management. In the images posted on social networks and taken from certain sites, the cashier is clearly recognizable. “It’s incredible how much solidarity and empathy there is no longer from people,” Nasti said, also targeting the cashier, easily recognizable in the photo posted on social media. However, the woman said she did not realize that the pregnant influencer had not been given priority by other customers because she was busy at the checkout. From that moment on, however, the woman felt hurt, with attacks from the influencer's customers and fans. So he decided to take legal action.

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