Pupo concert in Lithuania canceled. “Because I played in Russia. I don't take orders from anyone, I'm a free man” – The video

Pupo protests to the Russian press agency Tass against the cancellation of his meeting in Lithuania, where the singer was to perform on April 26. The cause is precisely the artist's performance in the Kremlin. In a statement released today, organizers called the event's cancellation “good news for everyone who is not indifferent to Russian aggression against Ukraine,” emphasizing the need to “close the doors from Lithuania to all pro-Russian artists.” In recent days, Pupo had reiterated that his presence in Moscow was supposed to be “a message of peace”. “With all due respect, on my street, I never took orders from anyone. I believe that culture, art and music should not suffer any form of censorship. In this case, they are the ones who are intolerant. In Russia, I was never given a choice. I am a free man,” he explains in a video.

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