Polls: FdI and Pd up, M5 down. Forza Italia on the League

Brothers of Italy at 28:5. The Democratic Party is also growing, while the 5 Star Movement is in decline. And with the deal with Noi Moderati, Forza Italia surpasses the League. The Ipsos polls illustrated today by Nando Pagnoncelli onCorriere della Sera they also claim that approval of the Meloni government and the prime minister is declining, while among the party's leaders, Antonio Tajani is firmly in the lead behind Giuseppe Conte and Elly Schlein. Immediately after, there is Matteo Salvini. But today, only 49% of those questioned are inclined to go to the polls for the European elections on June 8 and 9. 51% are rather inclined to abstain. During the last European elections, abstentions and blank votes reached 48%. The estimated abstention increases by ten points compared to the legislative elections.

Regarding party votes, the FdI increased by one percentage point in one month, while the Pd stood at 21.2, up 0.7%. The 5 Star Movement, on the other hand, lost 0.2% and stood at 15.9%. Fi and Nm together are at 8.6% while the League is at 7.4%, down 0.6%. The first survey from the United States of Europe gives Renzi and Bonino at 4.5% while Carlo Calenda's action is at 3.8%, up 1.3%. The Green Left Alliance, which recently announced the candidacy of Ilaria Salis, is at 3.7% and growing by 0.4%. Cateno De Luca's Libertà movement is at 2.5% while Michele Santoro's Pace Terra Dignità list reaches 1.5 and is stable. Tajani's popularity rating fell slightly (one point less to 35), as did that of Conte (two points less) and Schlein (one point less). Salvini Building.

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