Pioltello, the Iqbal Masiq Institute will return to the resolution to close the school at the end of Ramadan

The Iqbal Masiq Institute will reconsider its decision to close the school at the end of Ramadan. After the rejection for irregularities by the Lombardy Region, the school director Alessandro Fanfoni made it known through a communication: “I thank the School Office for the rapid response regarding the need to remove the resolution of the School Council relating to the calendar school 2023. / 2024. It will therefore be necessary to re-involve the collegial authorities in the decision-making process which will lead to the new resolution. I ask that the media tension towards our School be eased, above all for the peace of mind of the students and all the staff.” The decision to close for Ramadan was approved by the diocese of Milan.

The normality

The director rather indicated that the choice had been made to recognize the specificity of the territory. Parents and students spoke instead of a “normal” choice. The Minister of Public Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara, on the other hand, declared that the school could not introduce new holidays. Fanfoni also explained why he was boasting about the school's Invalsi test results: “The results of our students, at the end of the third year of secondary school, compared to those of schools with the same ESCS index are lower by 0 .1 point at the Italian school. tests, 23.3 points higher in math tests, 27.6 points higher in English listening tests, and 23.2 points higher in English reading tests.”

Invalsi tests

And therefore, explains Fanfoni, “these results, obtained by our students thanks to the valuable work carried out by the teachers, also take into account the Invalsi tests of all the NAI students who populate our classes, that is to say the young people who have just arrived in Italy. for less than 2 years, still in the literacy phase. These students must in fact take national standard tests in Italian, mathematics and English identical to students who have completed eight levels of education in Italy, from primary school to middle school, although they have a study plan personalized in accordance with ministerial directives. for welcoming foreign students.

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