pending the decision of the Court of Rome

The hearing to decide the matter will take place before the Gup of the Court of Rome, Marisa Mosetti Fedez is brought to justice for defamation against Codacons. “At the center of the problem – explains Codacons in a note – are the heavy accusations made by the rapper to the consumer association concerning an alleged misleading banner published in 2020 on the Codacons site about the coronavirus, accusations deemed completely illegitimate and unfounded . by the Rome Prosecutor's Office which asked the Court to try Fedez for the serious crime of defamation. In the event of conviction, the rapper faces up to 6 years in prisonas required by our law.

“And the day when the fate of Chiara Ferragni's husband will be decided – the note continues – Codacons publishes a complaint presented by the association to the Guardia di Finanza in which it asks to shed light on the companies attributable to the rapper. Thanks to a technical report carried out by Dr. Gian Gaetano Bellavia (former consultant for Report), it was possible to reconstruct the scheme of assets attributable to Fedez and all the changes in the corporate structures that involved the rapper's companies.

“The Group is firmly in the hands of the Zedef company, run by Fedez's original family, that is to say, in addition to himself, his mother and father, who also occupy key positions in the within the company itself – we read in the complaint – Over a period of five years, numerous extraordinary operations took place which led the group to adopt constantly evolving structures. Additional reflections and specific operations can be carried out by evaluating the type of extraordinary operations carried out.

“The choice to activate institutions such as reverse mergers and non-proportional asymmetric splits – we still read in the complaint published by Codacons – highlights the mastery of refined and very complex advisory systems that go beyond “a simple economic or development need, as, moreover, it emerges from reading the relevant notarial deeds (extremely detailed) and the financial flows, well represented in the attached documents, which reveal a very very complex tax transaction”.

“Another aspect to consider is the dense network of business relationships with new entities that outlines the attached reconstruction and represents a leap in quality, in strategic terms, compared to what has been observed previously. The situation deserves a broader analysis in order to understand the underlying strategic reasons which, although potentially legitimate, can sometimes overflow and deviate towards a form of “occult and transversal power” whose knowledge cannot remain foreign to the institutional activity of the Corps. “, we read in the complaint presented by the association to the Guardia di Finanza.

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