Paola Pepe: the niece accused of killing her aunt with a plate of spaghetti for the inheritance

Paola Pepe, 58 years old from Catania, killed her great-aunt with a plate of spaghetti. Maria Basso died in the Aci Castello retirement home. The niece is accused of circumvention of incapacity and murder by the Catania public prosecutor's office. According to the prosecution, Pepe made his relative sign a special power of attorney over his property which designated her as heir to one million euros of property. Then, during lunch at his house, he gave her a plate of spaghetti which allegedly caused bronchitis ab gestis. The woman could only eat baby food. Pepe herself sent her loved ones a photo of her aunt in front of spaghetti. “But Maria couldn’t eat anything that wasn’t mixed,” they told investigators. Instead, the defense attempted to demonstrate that there was a long-standing affection between the two. He provided as proof the messages they had exchanged. But there too, something is wrong: Maria couldn't move her fingers, it's impossible that she could have written them.

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