Padua, couple lives in a car with two children. Immunologist Viola gets them off the street: “I bought them a house”

He had decided to keep “the matter absolutely private and confidential”. But yesterday, Monday March 11, immunologist Antonella Viola decided to make her generosity public. Protagonists of the story (with a happy ending): Nadir and Asma, a Tunisian couple with two young children, forced to live in the car because there is no one, writes the Corriere delle Sera, wanted to rent a house because of their origin. The CAS, which had helped them until then, could no longer support them. After the two men appealed, a family hosted them for a month and a half in their apartment, then bought a house and gave it to the couple. However, due to a series of controversies, Nadir and Asma are back to square one. “They come from Tunisia, he is a construction worker, she recently found work as a waitress. They left the foster system because Haddad signed a contract with a company in the upper region of Padua, but for months they failed to find housing for themselves and their children. They were also sleeping in the car. In front of a bar, to heat the water for the smallest milk powder. Then Fillea CGIL, together with Caritas and street lawyers, managed to find a solution”, we can read on Viola's Facebook post. “Beautiful”, writes the scientist. “But it's a shame that all this is fake.”

“My husband and I got the family off the street”

In fact, it was Antonella Viola and her husband who helped this family. “We took Asma's family off the streets, first having them live in our house where we lived together for a month, then buying an apartment suited to their needs so we could rent it at a fair price . I have never seen the CIGL, nor Caritas nor any other association – continues Viola -. I spent a lot of time moving from agency to agency to find a comfortable, quick and affordable solution. My husband and I resolved this family's situation without receiving any help. I wanted to do it in silence because important things are not meant to be told but for their value. And I never would have talked about it if I hadn't read these lies. It is absurd to speculate about pain. It’s absurd to take non-existent merits,” he concludes.

The apology message

After the publication of the denunciation post, the unions corrected the situation: “The article was poorly written, we corrected it, Professor Viola is right: we were immediately interested in Asma’s story, but she moved independently, we never wanted to know who the benefactors were, we also had objective difficulties in finding them accommodation because no one wanted to give them a home – explained Barbara Schiavo, from Fillea CGIL – we also served as a filter for many absurd requests from people who wanted to keep the couple's children, leaving their parents on the street.” The immunologist also made it known on her social networks that she had received ” apologies” from Filea-Cgil. “It's good – he emphasizes -. For my part, I'm just happy to have lent a hand to a family in times of need. So good work to all women and men of good will.”

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