Ottana (Nuoro), a bomb explodes in front of the town hall: serious damage to the facade and offices

A highly explosive bomb exploded last night in front of the entrance to the town hall of Ottana, in the Nuoro area. According to initial information, the facade and some offices were seriously damaged. The police forces present on site and the firefighters are checking whether there is any structural damage to the building. The Carabinieri deminers have arrived in Ottana and the prefect of Nuoro Giancarlo Dionisi is on his way. The bomb was filled with 3 or 4 kilos of explosives. It was placed around one in front of the Town Hall. The explosion shattered windows, doors and furniture. The building appears usable, but load tests still need to be carried out on the upper floors. Investigators acquired images from surveillance cameras.

“What happened is a very serious matter and I expressed my greatest closeness with the country’s first citizen,” Prefect Dionisi told the Ansa news agency. “On Monday, we will take stock of the situation in the public security committee, but I can say that it is not a hot topic: the last bomb attack against an administrator dates back to 2010, so it was a coup. thunder. Of course, we will conduct a thorough investigation both to reach a solution to this matter as quickly as possible and to understand what is behind this attack in the city. »

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