Amazon's crackdown on easy returns: “There are those who use luxury clothes for a month and then return them”

From March 25, Amazon's return policy will change in Italy. The time limit for returning a purchased product that did not satisfy the customer goes from 30 to 14 days. There would also be a list of products on which the rule is modeled: PC, electronics, cameras, video games. Which have a higher return rate. The decision comes because many are taking advantage of it. That is, they use the products for a month and then return them. Maybe to buy the next model. For this reason, a shorter return period should help small sellers and penalize the most finicky customers. In Italy, the return rate is 20%. While among the companies there are those that no longer use free shipping and those that ask for a contribution of 5 euros for the return.

The environment

Additionally, there is a problem of environmental impact. Because moving goods, even from one continent to another, costs money. But today the lawyer Alberto Caschili, consultant of the Polimeni law firm, explains the problems of return in an interview with Republic. The lawyer talks about user tricks: “They know a lot: they take advantage of return policies and use the products for free. There's the printer trick of stealing the toner before returning it. But I've also tracked cases of burned memory cards or other visibly worn electronics. Until we come to the case of someone who returned a different and older hard drive than the one they purchased.” But the practice of “buying luxury clothes, using them for a month and then returning them cash on delivery” is also very widespread.


Stories included the Austrian man who bought protein supplements every two weeks, ate them and then returned the empty packet for a refund. He supplemented his diet for free for three months, before they found out. But, explains the lawyer, “many of these practices concern consumer electronics, which is why Amazon is starting, even in Italy, to reduce return times. And given the trend, we can expect the restriction to be extended to other products as well. »

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