Vincenzo Spadafora: “I am gay but a practicing Catholic. I wish adoption for singles”

Vincenzo Spadafora, former Undersecretary of the Prime Minister and Minister of Youth and Sports, was not re-elected with the 5 Star Movement in Parliament. Today, talk to Corriere della Sera of his coming out on TV and his desire to adopt a teenager. But also when he arrived in Rome for the first time with Unicef ​​​​: “I decided that I would never leave it, even when the president of the Campania Region, Andrea Losco, wanted me to be with him . It started at 7 a.m., there were all kinds of demonstrations in front of the Palace. More than a shop window, it was a sports hall.” In 2008, he became president of the association: “I was appointed first mediator for children and adolescents, but in 2016, Laura Boldrini decided that “A woman was needed. At the time I saw it as an injustice, but now I thank you: the next day Di Maio called me.”

The meeting with Di Maio

Spadafora says that with Di Maio “we had mutual respect: I convinced him to be Minister of Foreign Affairs instead of Minister of Labor, he had the right figures. We were a stable couple until the allegations of Vittorio Sgarbi, who later apologized.” And he talks about his plans for the future: “After the European Championships, I will launch a network, on which I have worked in recent months with people and associations who operate successfully in their territories in various fields. Together, we will bring to the center-left our contribution to the definition of a common identity.” In this project, he says, he presents himself: “Being gay but a practicing Catholic, which does not mean hanging out with cardinals. Life has led me to be more things at once.” He says about his coming out that he accepted it late: “I had my first real partner at 35: before I 'escape.”

Adoption for singles

He says he would get married: “At 50, I'm still waiting for the right person.” And that they gave him a relationship with Alberto Matano. He says he wants to pursue adoption for singles “because it is incomprehensible why this cannot be done.” In surrogacy “I do not criticize those who do it, quite the contrary. But I would adopt a teenager.” Finally, on Giuseppe Conte: “It's part of the love story that ended with the Movement. We wrote to each other affectionately when his father died.”

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