No! This Nazi soldier was not Ursula von der Leyen's grandfather

Many messages on social media try to convince those who see them that the grandfather of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was a Nazi soldier. In reality, the Nazi soldier shown in the posts, Carl Albrecht Hugo Laubereau, is only a partial namesake of Carl Eduard Albrecht, famous German psychologist born in 1902 and true grandfather of von der Leyen, born Albrecht before changing name. following marriage. In any case, Ursula von der Leyen's grandfather was not a Nazi soldier.

For those in a hurry:

  • It is claimed that Ursula von der Leyen's grandfather was a Nazi devoted to the occult and Satanism.
  • The president of the European Commission is compared to a Nazi soldier named Carl Albrecht Hugo Laubereau.
  • In reality, Ursula von der Leyen's grandfather was her partial namesake: Carl Eduard Albrecht.
  • Carl Eduard Albrecht was not a Nazi, but a psychologist.
  • In any case, Ursula von der Leyen's grandfather was not a Nazi soldier.


Let's see a screenshot of one of the messages being checked. In the description you can't read anything, but in the photo itself the writing appears:

Ursula von der Layen and her grandfather Carl Albrecht Hugo Laubereau (1904-1997). The ill-informed claim that Layen has no Nazi ancestors, so that's proof. Carl Albrecht was devoted to the occult (Satanism), as are the global “elite” Freemasons of the EU and USA today. The European Union was founded by descendants of the Nazis as an extension of the Third Reich!!

He wasn't a Nazi soldier

The post is actually based on a case of disambiguation. As reconstructed by the specialized genealogy site Geneastar, Ursula von der Leyen's grandfather was not Carl Albrecht Hugo Laubereau, but the famous German psychologist Carl Eduard Albrecht, born in 1902 and died in 1965. The same information is also reported in an ISPI article. Albrecht had only one son, Ernst Carl Julius Albrecht, with the grandmother of European Commission President Adleheid Berg. From the marriage of Ernst Carl Julius to Heide Adele Stromeyer was born Ursula Albrecht, who acquired her husband's name – Heiko Echter von der Leyen – after her marriage. He is a different person from the Nazi soldier compared to von der Leyen.


It is claimed that Ursula von der Leyen's grandfather was a Nazi devoted to the occult and Satanism. The president of the European Commission is compared to a Nazi soldier named Carl Albrecht Hugo Laubereau. In reality, Ursula von der Leyen's grandfather was a namesake: Carl Eduard Albrecht. Carl Eduard Albrecht was not a Nazi, but a psychologist.

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