new ways of conceiving work activity

THE network professionals are revolutionizing the idea of ​​work. Do you remember the images from “Fantastic Memory” with the employees hating each other? Today, the attitude adopted in the workplace is different: an ever-increasing number of workers, particularly in the tertiary sector, are trying to build networks of relationships to encourage the exchange of skills and experiences and to support each other. mutually.

According to Deloitte experts, more than 80% of positions are filled thanks to networking. This percentage is expected to grow. How are these networks of relationships created and what impact do they have on daily life?

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Network professionals: what are they for?

Once upon a time there were illuminated workstations neon, fixed working hours and the possibility of carrying out the same tasks for a period of time almost equal to the duration of one's professional life. Today, the world of work has changed its spatio-temporal dimension due to employment crises, pandemics and the advent of technological innovations. The new elements took on a different weight from that of the past.

The change in approach has brought new values ​​to the surface: in short, people matter more. It therefore becomes crucial to build networks of colleagues with whom to collaborate. This phenomenon is defined networking professional. In the world of freelance and freelancethe network of contacts also helps to facilitate the provision of services.

What are these forms of connection?

A network professional is a connection between professionals who mainly deal with the same subjects. To create a network it requires dedication, patience and above all the desire to know and be known. Having contact with the right people allows you to progress in terms of skills and career, but you also need to take care of your online image and take advantage of the platforms that the internet offers.

The work of networking it is above all a work of interaction: helps you increase your turnover and develop new skills. It has become essential these days, and not only for those who carry out independent activities. To interact correctly with yours networkcommunication skills are required: contacts must be constant, have a balanced tone, be proactive and constructive.

Changes in interactions between individuals have marked the sociology of work processes. The creation of network professional is of considerable importance: the challenge of the future will be to attribute added value to human work, to distinguish it from that carried out by machines or artificial intelligence. A network professional encourages those who are part of it to continually train.

What are the advantages of network professional?

The advantages of network there are many professionals:

  • Compare yourself with other people;
  • Enrich your cultural background with knowledge and experience;
  • Establish empathy with people and increase opportunities to find, for example, a new job;
  • Look at critical issues from other perspectives to see different solutions.

How to create effectively network professional

Certain strategies are particularly useful for building professional networks. Between these:

  • Use correctly social networks: oyou must know how to create a good self-image by publishing content consistent with your profession;
  • Dedicate yourself daily to building your own network of contacts and be curious to meet new people and new situations;
  • Participate in events and conferences relating to the field in which you specialize;
  • Develop and consolidate transversal skills (defined in jargon general skills, such as resilience, patience, lateral thinking), which contribute to increasing the value of each person.

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