'nduja: you can now travel in hand luggage

There 'nduja, a ruby ​​red, creamy, spreadable and spicy pork sausage, is the most famous among the typical Calabrian food products and among the most appreciated by foreigners, especially the Germans and the French. The territory in which it is produced is, as mentioned, the Calabria and the most famous is that produced in the Vibo region, a Spilinga and around Mount Poro.

Until now the 'nduja was retained a “dangerous food”. Now it can also be transported in hand luggage – and therefore directly in the cabin.

Anyone who takes a trip to Calabriabut even those who return to their home country and then fly to other destinations know that the 'nduja you have to taste it and take it with you, because it is not at all easy to find the original elsewhere. But until now, it was very complicated to bring it on the plane, because it was considered a “dangerous food” given that it contains, in a certain percentage, mixtures of liquids and solids.

SEE ALSO: Holidays in Calabria: what to see and where to go. The most beautiful beaches, parks and villages

The 'nduja on board only if you depart from Calabrian airports

The green light for 'nduja in hand luggage, it arrived these days after the explicit request of the Calabrian airport company (Sacal) of “modification of the provisions in force”, which in fact also prohibited the 'nduja to be boarded by the passenger, allowing transport only in the hold.

Thanks to the agreement with Sacal and with the positive opinion of ENACthe national airport management body, the 'nduja The Calabrian will be able to leave the airports stored in passengers' hand luggage.

“There 'nduja – is written in the request made by Sacal has Enac – is a typical Calabrian spread sausage, included in the list of traditional Italian agri-food products, which by its nature does not change shape, although it has a non-solid consistency.”

But be careful: you can only transport the 'nduja if you board at one of the airports in the Calabrian region: Lamezia Terme, Reggio Calabria And Crotone.

Legislation requires Calabrians and tourists to leave the product at boarding points

“It was a regulation that had negative consequences in terms of image and food waste and it seemed legitimate to make this request to Enac» explained the sole director of Sacal, Marco Franchini. “We saw that this provision forced many Calabrians and many tourists to leave the product at the boarding stations.”

'nduja is simply enjoyed spread on crostini and bruschetta (iStock)

Approval of the lifting of this constraint took place on March 9, 2024, and now all travelers can take it with them in their cabin baggage.

The “declaration of love” on social networks

The news immediately made the rounds on social networks, with many comments of approval. “What a desire to go to the airport and take a plane to a random destination, me and mine 'ndujalike that, without saying anything to anyone and without ever coming back,” writes a user in what looks like an (ironic) declaration of love.

The boom in 'nduja exports abroad

This decision could further facilitate exports of a product which has seen a huge resurgence of interest in recent years, particularly abroad. In 2022, around a quarter of the production of 'nduja of Calabria it was in fact intended to leave the borders of our country to reach foreign consumers.

What does it take to make a good 'nduja

“To make it a good one 'nduja a good chili is not enough, you need high quality meat, which must come from heavy pigs aged at least 14 months, whose natural diet categorically excludes whey,” he writes. Slow food.

“Some local producers use meat from Calabrian black pork raised semi-wildly or from local rustic crossbreeds and the results are excellent.” 'nduja is simply enjoyed spread on crostini and bruschetta, or it is used to flavor sauces, season pizzas, accompany mature cheeses, but also to flavor dishes based on legumes.

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The case of Genoese pesto

That of 'nduja on board it's a battle won which looks a bit like that of a few years ago Liguria for the “Pesto» which, by way of derogation from the provisions, can be transported in the cabin from airports in the Ligurian territory. Condiments are allowed in the cabin in quantities of up to 500 milliliters, compared to 100 milliliters allowed for liquids.

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