Navalny's mother saw the dissident's body: “But they don't give it back to him and they want to bury him in secret”

Russian authorities today showed the body of Alexei Navalny to his mother, who had been asking for days to see it (and have it back). But they don't plan to give it back to him. Navalny team spokesperson Kira Yarmysh made this known via X. “They are blackmailing her. On orders from the Kremlin, they set conditions on where, when and how to bury Alexei. They want to do it in secret, without giving him the opportunity to say goodbye,” accuses the team that worked for the dissident, and which is now alongside his family and his widow Yulia Navalnaya. The mother of Navalny also claims in a video that officials showed him medical documents certifying his son's “death of natural causes.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov himself reiterated today that Russian authorities were not intending accept no interference in the matter of the death of the opponent in custody: “As far as Navalny is concerned, no one has the right to interfere in our internal affairs, also taking into account what they did it with Julian Assange,” thundered Lavrov during a press conference on the sidelines of the ongoing G20 in Rio de Janeiro. “We reject an international investigation into his death. We think about it ourselves. It's arrogance. These are forms of neocolonialism,” he added.

Everyone against Lavrov, actually no

Then, Lavrov even wanted to reverse the situation: “No one really knows what was done to Navalny in Germany (where he was treated in 2020 after the first poisoning attempt, ed). They said he was poisoned and blamed us. But they did not give us access to his blood tests: indecent and unfair.” At the G20 in Rio, Lavrov was targeted by Western foreign ministers because of what happened in this colony isolated penitentiary in the Arctic. The British David Cameron notably addressed him directly during the meeting, openly declaring that Russia killed Navalvy and that for this reason “it will have to pay for this”. Lavrov would have kept his eyes fixed on his phone, avoiding even making eye contact with his adversary. The host, Brazilian President Lula, who will receive Lavrov this evening at the presidential palace of Palazzo Alvorada in Brasilia, gave the Russian guest a very different.

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