Nancy Brilli: “The cinema disappointed me. A macho environment: few roles for women and they consider me off-target”

Among the participants who decided to participate in Beijing Express, there is also Nancy Brilli, associated with Pierluigi Iorio under the name The Brilliants. Famous actress of film, theater and television, Brilli gets naked in an interview with Corriere della Sera. He says he has received many offers over the years to appear on various reality shows, but he says he has always refused. Even Beijing Express initially said no, but then changed its mind. “I didn’t know the program. When I was asked again, I was in a moment where I was bored: I had lost two jobs in quick succession, I was vaguely annoyed. So I chose to participate: I called Pierluigi, we had already made many trips together. It was in extreme conditions, but it was a nice leap in the dark,” he explains in conversation with Chiara Maffioletti.

Beijing Express

A new experience that comes after a great disappointment: cinema. She says it herself and explains: “There aren't many roles for women. Recently, I received a script and I didn't know whether I should get angry or laugh: I had to be yet another pin-up out of time, that's not possible.” Brilli denounces that his talent is not was recognized that “to a certain point: since I started doing television, the offers that came to me from the cinema stopped at comedies, which were not all good. The reasons? ” I can't say for sure,” says the actress. “We hear ourselves saying: eh, you're not on target. But what does that mean? They're not targets for what?” he adds.

“Those hands on your ass…”

Something is changing, however. In Paola Cortellesi's film, There is still tomorrow, sees hope: “Only ten years ago, he would not have been forced to do this. I remember a conversation I had with Aurelio De Laurentiis about 15 years ago: I told him that producers don't bet on women. He responded that women didn't bring money to the movies unless they were naked. “Maybe in Italy and with producers like you,” I told him. Well, I haven't made many films with him anymore.” But Brilli underlines the extent to which chauvinism in the entertainment world has often resulted in real harassment: “I hope – he comments – that a young colleague will no longer have to deal with the many hands on the butt that we had to remove ourselves. I hope now that this can never happen again.”

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