Minister Piantedosi: “Anti-fascism is a shared value”

“The risk of a return of a fascist regime in Italy is zero. No political party in Parliament is even remotely comparable to fascism. Anti-fascism is and must remain a shared value.” Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi speaks today in an interview withThe Corriere della Sera. In which he adds that the argument “cannot be transformed into an ideological tool to politically attack and delegitimize the opponent.” Piantedosi will be in Bologna to represent the government on the anniversary of the fascist massacre. And on the bomb of August 2, 1980, he clearly says that “the matrix is ​​neofascist: it is confirmed by definitive convictions and no one can question them.”

Roman greetings

According to the minister, “if there are groups that praise fascism, they must be firmly condemned by all. But we must be aware that they are incapable of influencing in any way the democratic life of the country. If a group tried to organize itself into a fascist-inspired party, it would be fought and dissolved as soon as the elements provided for by law materialize.” Piantedosi then guarantees that “the government does not and will never give cover or legitimacy to extremist fringes.”


Even though everything is still at a standstill regarding the dissolution of CasaPound. “It has been specified several times that to proceed with the dissolution, a decision of the judiciary is necessary. This is confirmed by the fact that other previous governments led by the left did not intend to proceed with the dissolution either.” Finally, on the anti-Semitic demonstrations that are multiplying in Italy: “We have had to increase surveillance of hundreds of sensitive targets linked to Israel or Jewish communities. We are in a situation of constant alert, without it being necessary to be alarmist,” he concludes.

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