Milan City Councilor Nahum leaves the Democratic Party: “Enough about the genocide in Gaza”

The city councilor and representative of the Jewish community of Milan, Daniele Nahum, leaves the Democratic Party. The announcement came today – Monday March 11 – in the hall of Palazzo Marino, during the Council meeting. In his decision, “the various ambiguities on foreign policy and climate that occurred in various sectors of the left-wing world after October 7 weighed heavily – said Nahum, a member of the Democratic Party since 2013 -. The word genocide has become clear, particularly among the youth of the Democratic Party, in reference to the very serious humanitarian crisis experienced by the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, which began after the Jewish pogrom perpetrated by Hamas on October 7 . A dangerous, false and inappropriate term used in this context. » The use of the word genocide, inappropriate since according to the councilor “Israel does not have the will to erase the Palestinian people”, produced – according to his declarations to the House – “a wave of anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Semitism” . -Zionism, which I had never experienced in 41 years of life. There is a desire among those who use it to compare Jews to Nazis. »

During his speech, Nahum, former vice-president of the Jewish Community of Milan, used strong words emphasizing how “the right-wing, caricatured and execrable anti-Semitism of these four cats who raise their arms to greet the Duce, is numerically inferior and of lesser importance. infiltration of those who compare Zionism to Nazism. » His resignation comes a few days after that of the president of the Anpi of Milan, Roberto Cenati, in controversy with the use of the word genocide by the national Anpi and in the pro-Palestine demonstrations. Despite his farewell to the Democratic Party, Nahum assured that he would continue to play politics and support the center-left council and Mayor Beppe Sala.

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