Meloni in the Senate before the European Council: “Compact government in foreign policy, it is the Democratic Party which hesitates” – Video

When it comes to foreign policy, the government is compact and coherent. Giorgia Meloni is categorical in her response to the interventions of certain opposition senators. Today, the Prime Minister is in the Senate to report on the European Council of March 21 and 22, one of the last before the elections of June 9, 2024. And among the government benches, an absence is immediately felt, according to agendas not justified by previous commitments: Matteo Salvini is not there. Apparently he is at the ministry, but he did not come to the Palais Madame. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni devoted the first part of her speech to Ukraine: “I consider that all European partners deserve respect and consideration. The proposal put forward by France for direct intervention in Ukraine was discussed, but our position is in no way favorable to this hypothesis. I hope this Parliament will be united on this, given that the situation on the ground is complex and Ukraine is right not to trust Russia.”

Navalny's memory

Here is the subsequent position (and the relative difference from Salvini) on the elections that took place in Russia. With an interesting element, the condemnation does not relate to the Russian vote itself, but only to that of the occupied territories: “We reiterate our condemnation of the holding of simulated elections on Ukrainian territory. » This is why an explicit memory is dedicated to Alexei Navalny: “Italy welcomes the entry of Sweden and Finland into NATO and condemns any aggressive attitude of Russia towards these friendly countries as well than with regard to the Baltic countries. We reiterate our condemnation of the farcical elections in the Ukrainian territories and the death of Nalvalny, his name as a symbol of sacrifice for freedom will not be forgotten.”

The Exchange of Foreign Policy Accusations

When these remarks are interpreted by the opposition benches as a distancing from Salvini's remarks in recent days, Meloni responds as follows: “There is nothing other than the political line of the government which is not voted on in the House and carried abroad. And I can say without fear of contradiction that in a year and a half the government has the same position and the same determination which are recognized abroad but not in Italy. In short, no internal divisions within the government majority on the foreign policy front. Indeed, adds Meloni, “it seems to me that there is a certain hesitation on international policy on the part of the opposition.” The Prime Minister particularly points the finger at the Democratic Party, “which abstained last time in the vote on sending weapons.”

The war in Gaza

Concerning the situation in Gaza, Meloni begins by reminding us that we must not forget “who started this conflict”. It was Hamas.” The Prime Minister then pointed out the “reluctance” to admit it which “hides a rampant anti-Semitism”. He added that the consequences reverberate throughout the Middle East: “The first thought of gratitude goes to the crew of the Duilio ship engaged in the Red Sea. The Houthis' threats are part of a larger plan by Iran. We know that increasing costs borne by our shipping companies can have a significant impact on our economy.” The agreement with Egypt was an important step, said the Prime Minister, but that does not mean that the case of the assassination of Giulio Regeni is no longer being dealt with: “We have not interrupted and we do not intend to interrupt the search for the truth about Giulio Regeni”, as demonstrated by the process initiated and “which the government is following with great attention and for which we have become civil parties”.

Cover photo: ANSA/Alessandro Di Meo | Giorgia Meloni in the Chamber of Deputies (Rome, March 19, 2024)

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