March 8 demonstration in Florence, she brandishes a sign against Hamas rapes and is fired: “She wanted to provoke” – Video

As dozens of people gathered in Florence's Piazza Santissima Annunziata to celebrate International Women's Day, organizers of the Non una di meno protest clashed with an activist who took to the streets with a sign to denounce the Hamas violence on October 7. “Not a word about Hamas rapes,” the message said, “did Israeli women ask for it?” Sara, close to the Florentine Jewish community and who defines herself as left-wing and opposed to Prime Minister Netanyahu, was confronted by activists from Non una di meno, who invited her to leave the demonstration: “You came here to make a provocation, you are exploiting, leave or remove this sign, you are not welcome, thank you and goodbye.” The confrontation lasted several minutes, then officers from Digos also intervened and asked the woman to leave , confronting her with the evidence that she was not welcome. For the feminist collective, al Corriere Fiorentino Angela spoke: “We are here to demonstrate against violence against all women, there will also be feminists from Gaza in the square, unfortunately there are people who exploit Hamas rapes to support Israel. Today, many local entities have organized themselves through a series of assemblies in which this young girl did not participate. We also chose to send her back for her protection, because maybe someone would violently tear off her sign.” From the side of the square, Sara replied: “Unfortunately the feminists of Non uno di meno exploit the squares to make anti-Zionist propaganda. On the poster of the event there was a Palestinian flag, I am here to denounce the silence on the Hamas rapes. I do not tolerate that a feminist demonstration becomes an anti-Zionist demonstration. Mine is “Is it a provocation? Yes, because their silence is on the Hamas rapes of October 7, which they described as fake news.”

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