“June 2 and sports day, relationship between values”

“June 2 is a very important date because we celebrate the 78th anniversary of the Italian Republic Day, which this year we associate national sports day.

The concomitance determined by the calendar makes it possible to put the fundamental principles of our Republic in closer relationship with the values ​​of sport: the feeling of belonging and community, the value of pluralism, democracy, civil coexistence, respect for human dignity. moral and legal equality, freedom of association, religion, the right to participate in choices that affect everyone, the right to education and health.

Thus Andrea Abodi, Minister of Sports and Youth, comments on the celebrations of June 2 which, this year, are combined with National Sports Day. Abodi then recalls how sport is a “place to promote, cultivate and preserve positive values, it is a space of loyalty and friendship, a training ground for commitment and human growth. Sport is sharing, discipline, passion, commitment, respect. values ​​that we undertake every day to interpret responsibly and transmit to younger generations, to contribute to building a better, fairer, more inclusive and more cohesive society”, he continued. Finally, the minister renewed his commitment to “recognize the dignity and protection of all workers and volunteers who make sport their daily commitment, ensuring that the extraordinary network of amateur sports associations and clubs can operate in a sustainable, united and transparent system”. “, he concludes.

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