Is it over between Francesca Pascale and Paola Turci? The indiscretion about the dissolution of the civil union after two years

With the approval of the divorce agreement by Judge Benedetta Foti of the Florence prosecutor's office, the dissolution of the civil union between Francesca Pascale and Paola Turci is a done deal. The indiscretion is Dagospiewhich cites sources from the entourage of the two women according to which there have been arguments, quarrels and misunderstandings for some time. The dissolution deed will now be sent to the municipality of Montalcino where in July 2022 the Roman singer and the ex-partner of Silvio Berlusconi had celebrated their civil union. According to the news and gossip site, with the last agreement registered by the judge on Wednesday 17 July on the ownership of a villa in Fiesole, the divorce proceedings are definitively concluded. Pascale separated from the then leader of Forza Italia in the spring of 2020, four months later she was surprised on a yacht with the singer and Today he immortalized a kiss between the two. They joined in a civil ceremony two years later, presided over by Mayor Silvio Franceschelli (Pd), and then moved to the castle of Velona, ​​in the Val d'Orcia, to celebrate with the guests.

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