There is controversy over the message posted on Facebook by Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini on the tragedy of a 2-year-old girl in Turin, hit and killed by a car maneuvering in the parking lot in front of a hospital. The little girl, hospitalized in very serious conditions at San Giovanni Bosco, then transferred to Regina Margherita, which specializes in the treatment of minors, died yesterday morning. Her third cardiac arrest was fatal, rendering the efforts of the medical teams to save her life in vain. “Poor innocent little girl, a prayer for her,” writes the leader of the League on social networks, who then attacks: “But where are the assistants and social services that should save these children from the street and from thefts, without school and without joy??? And don't use the excuse of Roma “culture.”
These convictions provoked an immediate reaction from Barbara Rosina, president of the Council of the Order of Social Workers: “Salvini exploits without knowing the facts. It is inadmissible and irresponsible to use the death of a two-year-old girl for political ends. The vice-president of the Council accuses us, social workers and all social services. We are close to the family of little Esmeralda and far from Minister Salvini and those who, like him, never seek solutions, but manipulate current events to spread prejudices to the detriment of people and the profession. The hypothesis that the woman and the child were begging in front of the hospital – denied last night by the councilor for social policies of the city of Turin – has triggered the political shock. Even before Salvini, Maurizio Marrone (FdI), councilor for social policies of the Piedmont region, had spoken similar words: “It is unacceptable to allow nomads to drag minors with them into street begging. If the social services of the municipality of Turin had applied half the rigor with which they apply to the transfer of minors from other families to the Roma, this tragedy could perhaps have been avoided. The family was not in the hospital parking lot to beg, as had initially been announced, but because they were visiting a relative hospitalized at the San Giovanni Bosco hospital, he wrote. The press.
The attack on the photographer of “La Stampa”
After the little girl's investment, there were also problems of public order. A Turin photographer, Maurizio Bosio, from the agency Journalistswho works for The presswas in fact attacked by some of the little girl's relatives. The newspaper itself reported the news. Bosio suffered a fractured nasal septum and his prognosis was 14 days. “He had already documented the little girl's story in the morning. When the news of the little girl's death spread around lunchtime, – writes the Turin newspaper – Maurizio put down his camera and addressed the little girl's father with the utmost respect to offer his condolences. Unfortunately, at that moment, he was attacked because he worked “for The press“This is “a serious episode, another one, which once again underlines the heavy climate of tension and mistrust in which we are forced to work. An intolerable climate because our only fault, if we can define it that way, is that of reporting to readers what is happening, scrupulously and punctually. Which we will continue to do,” writes the editorial board.