Income, how the 730 is evolving: a questionnaire for the pre-compiled declaration

Is the 730 retiring? Filing taxes the way we've always done them could soon change. Instead of boxes to fill in and forms to fill out, comes a simplified pre-filled declaration template. The Revenue Agency explains that starting with the 2024 tax returns for the 2023 tax year, a new mechanism for interaction with the taxpayer will be introduced. Which will no longer be based on the fields of the declarative model, but on the information that the AdE already has concerning the citizen. Who will then be able to verify and possibly integrate these declarations. And interact with the precompiled declaration web application through simple and understandable language.

The data

Data, explained today The messenger, will then be declared in the corresponding fields of the declaration, without the taxpayer having to consult the instructions to complete it. Therefore, they explain from the AdE, it will be like filling out a questionnaire. In which the citizen can add health expenses, mortgage, possible renovation work on his property and so on. Then the system will fill in the fields and codes. “Through specific notices”, we read in the note to Parliament tabled by the director of the agency Paolo Ruffini, “the taxpayer will be informed of the fact that he confirms or modifies the information proposed by the agency, because this action is relevant for the purposes of completing the declaration”. If there is data that the tax authorities do not have, the taxpayer will be informed of the reasons for non-use and assisted with a guided tour.

Simplified mode

This year, the Revenue Agency wants to combine the questionnaire method with the traditional method of pre-established declaration. Give taxpayers the choice of which system to use. At the beginning of May, after agreement from the privacy guarantor, the questionnaire will arrive. This follows the simplification inaugurated in 2015 with the precompiled version. Today used by 4.5 million taxpayers. And this year, the precompiled form also arrives for VAT numbers.

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