“In Milan, I suffered two harassments in 24 hours”: the complaint of singer-songwriter Etta

Two harassments in 24 hours: this is what the singer-songwriter from Caserta Etta (aka Maria Antonietta Di Marco) says she suffered, who gained some notoriety during the days of the Sanremo Festival for having launched the slogan punk rock Amédée, inspired by the host of the event. She turned to her 16,000 followers to explain what happened, in an Instagram post in which she bluntly begins: “I was harassed.” “I went to Milan in the last few days for professional reasons and in the space of twenty-four hours I was harassed twice,” she continues.

“I was not alone”

Before he even begins to explain, he throws back at the sender the usual and inappropriate insinuations that a young woman should not walk alone: ​​“You would never say such a thing to a man. But I want to answer you: I was not alone. The first time I was with mine producer and the second time with two men, mine producer and the artist with whom I was to make studio recordings.” In detail, here are his words on the day in question: “A man felt entitled to whistle at me and pay me compliments which were certainly not welcome .I wasn't very scared because I wasn't alone, but if I had been, I certainly would have been very scared.”


And again: “A man whose perception of reality was quite distorted, perhaps drunk, jumped on the tram, sat down and looked at me the whole time. He made noise so that I turned towards him. Unfortunately I couldn't communicate with mine producer, who was sitting next to me, because I feared for his safety, as I could not tell if the man was armed and what his intentions were. So I didn't know how she would react to a man who protected me. So I remained silent, my head tilted towards my phone so as not to meet his gaze. Luckily the man then came out and as I was making sure he was out our eyes met. That's when the man started hitting the tram.”

“A woman should always feel free and safe”

Etta once again anticipates the questions of detractors by showing the loose and opaque clothes she wore. “Now, some mediocre minds will surely ask themselves the question of how I was dressed – she explains -. I don't want to take too long to answer, also because a woman can dress however she wants and doesn't have to feel the burden of being judged, she doesn't have to feel guilty about the harassment that she suffers, and above all all she has to do is feel free and safe. But finally, I want to answer you: I was dressed exactly like that, as I am now.” Ironically, he was in the Milanese capital precisely to “create content, that is, my new song that speaks of emancipation, freedom and sexuality”.

Around March 8

Indeed, the young woman, born in 1995, has a booming career. He began to become known to the general public by participating in X factor in 2021. The same year, with the single Women Area Sanremo won, going directly to the Sanremo Giovani selections. She also performed at the May 1 concert in Rome, in front of an audience of 300,000 people, and on this occasion she wanted to highlight the condition of women in the world of work by throwing sanitary napkins from the scene. “Receiving this harassment has made me even more sure of the path I am taking – she concludes -. On March 8, don't give us mimosas, but come down and demonstrate with us. Protect us and above all help us.”

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