“In every way”, the mirage of inclusiveness in Italian schools: “I’m sorry but your son will never learn” – The podcast

When you are forced to travel 80 km a day to reach the only school that has decided to welcome your disabled child, you wonder if the country you live in really guarantees your rights. When his supportive teacher, a fundamental bridge for every child and the school environment that surrounds him, suddenly disappears, we also wonder if it is so right to persist in wanting him to follow an educational path like all the others of his age. . It is a right to education which is still the privilege of a few and which constitutes the fourth episode of the podcast In all directions deals with the testimonies of those who experience first-hand the discrimination of an inviolable freedom. The table moderated by journalist Giada Giorgi is not only an opportunity to delve into the problems of a non-inclusive school system but also the possibility of reasoning about paths, solutions and virtuous examples of sharing spaces and activities.

With the story of Massimo Navarra, a deaf-blind boy and his parents Mauro and Enza, also the voices of the president of the National Association of Directors Antonello Giannelli, Patrizia Ceccarani, technical and scientific director of the Lega del Filo d' Oro and Maria Pia. Nicoletta, primary school teacher.

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