Husband and wife separate, the house goes to their daughters aged 4 and 7: “The parents will alternate”

A ruling from the Cuneo court, confirmed by the Turin Court of Appeal, established that two girls aged 7 and 4 will remain at the home of their parents who wish to separate. This decision has only one precedent in Trieste. The judges opted for shared custody. But with a very rigid attitude towards the mother and father: “They will have to alternate, every other week, at the family home. With the provision of two afternoons per week with the other parent.” The week they are not with their daughters, they will live elsewhere. The Corriere della Sera heard from the woman's lawyer, Alessio Solinas, who spoke of a “singular sentence also because the lady also filed a complaint for mistreatment and now wonders how she will be able to sleep in the same house where her ex stayed shortly before.” Even family law expert Professor Carlo Rimini is perplexed: Carlo Rimini. “It can only work if there is harmony between separated parents. However, it is not fair to force them to alternate in a home with an organization of time which will certainly jeopardize the possibility for each of them to start a new life with a minimum of freedom and which risks being source of an increase in conflicts. , with obvious harm to children. “.

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