How is access to Medicine evolving, free registration for one semester then first obstacle: the hypothesis of the postponed national quiz

The new reform on access to the Faculty of Medicine will allow students to register directly for the first semester of study without having to take the dreaded admission test. However, to access the second semester, it will be necessary to pass certain exams in the biomedical, health, pharmaceutical and veterinary fields. In the event of non-admission, training credits will be recognized which will allow students to change faculties. This is a new system which should start in 2025 and which, in fact, temporarily eliminates the entry test. The specific study subjects have not yet been defined and it will be up to the government to select them. To access the second semester, in addition to passing all exams, the text speaks of “placement in a useful position in the national merit ranking”. However, as he notes Corriere della Sera, we do not know exactly how this ranking will be established. THE Sunday 24 hours reports that after passing the exams, there could be a national quiz.

The goal of “30 thousand new doctors”

Currently, this year's admissions tests will continue as planned. More than 71,000 students have registered to participate in the tests, scheduled for May 28 and July 30, with more than 60,000 candidates for the Faculty of Medicine and 7,862 registered for Veterinary Medicine. If the entire process is successful, the new mechanism should come into force in 2025. According to estimates from the Ministry of University and Research, at least 30,000 new doctors will be trained in the coming years. The president of the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists (Fnomceo), Filippo Anelli, is furious, according to whom the abolition of the current system would prove counterproductive. “We are clearly opposed to it, and it is absolutely not a rule of common sense: removing the restricted number in medicine means that in 10 years, the time it takes to train a doctor, we will have a plethora of graduates who will have no chance. to find a job, I work as a doctor. We will only produce unemployed people,” comments Anelli.

Free access and exams in the first semester

According to the provisions of the law currently in the Senate, the government must adopt – within twelve months from the date of entry into force of the law – one or more legislative decrees for the revision of admission procedures to the courses in medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine. The executive will also have to guarantee the implementation of uniform and coordinated programs, as well as the harmonization of study plans, for a total of university training credits (CFU) defined at the national level. It is required that admission to the second semester of master's courses depends on obtaining all required credits for the first semester examinations, conducted according to uniform standards, and position in the national merit ranking. In the event that one is not admitted to the second semester of medicine, veterinary and dentistry courses, the credits obtained by the students in the first exams must be recognized for transfer to another course chosen as an alternative, with the obligation and free double registration limited to the first semester.

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