Hamas presents a new draft agreement for the ceasefire in Gaza. Netanyahu’s coldness: “Unrealistic proposals”

A new glimmer of hope or yet another inconclusive return of responsibility to us? Hamas announced this evening that it had submitted to Israel, via Qatar, its latest proposal for an agreement which would put an end – more or less temporarily – to the fighting in the Gaza Strip. A “global vision” of the issue which, limited to indicating the Palestinian terrorist organization, is capable of putting an end to Israeli “aggression” against the Palestinians, by guaranteeing the entry of humanitarian aid and the return of Gaza citizens displaced from their homes and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip. The document also mentions the request made for an exchange between hostages in Gaza and Palestinian prisoners in Israel. Details of the proposal are not known. Israel quickly confirmed having received it: Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed Al Thani handed it over to Mossad chief David Barnea. The document will be the subject of a war council tomorrow, Friday March 15, but the first results do not seem to leave much hope. Hamas' demands are “unrealistic”, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office sharply stressed, while stressing that an official response to Hamas' “vision” will be given after tomorrow's government and war cabinet meetings. .

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