Gratteri “does not respond” to Geolier but has clear ideas about rappers armed with Kalashnikovs: “Neither credible nor educational”

He prefers not to respond to the Geolier phenomenon, second in Sanremo with his I am for me, you are for you in Neapolitan dialect. But the Attorney General of Naples, Nicola Gratteri, has already said everything about a certain story of weapons, women, underworld, contained in the texts of many very young authors. He does this in an interview with The truth, then taken up by Forza Italia senator Maurizio Gasparri, member of the Rai Supervisory Commission, who applauds the magistrate's words. “When I think of Naples, I think of Pino Daniele, of the Bennato brothers, of James Senese, of Enzo Avitabile,” he told the journalist Gratteri, “many maintain that that of the trappers is a voice of protest, but when they adopt misogynistic attitudes or allow themselves to be filmed with a Kalashnikov in their hand they do not seem very credible or educational to me. This is a very questionable story. » The same goes for certain film productions on the lives of bosses, from Al Capone to El Chapo. “They often end with epics, making heroes out of criminals who have never been on the side of the weak against the strong and the poor against the rich, as they like to make people believe,” reasons the prosecutor, “certain series television shows express a mythology. of the Camorra which occupies the entire scene, without a glimmer of positivity to counteract it.” “Evil is seductive, much more than good. We should have an ethical conception of writing. We cannot write and pretend not to see”, he adds, evoking the responsibility of authors who make criminal personalities and their lifestyle captivating.

Gasparri: “Amadeus is a bad teacher”

“Years ago, Silvio Berlusconi was severely criticized because he had the opportunity to express reservations about certain films and certain fictions which end up mythologizing criminal organizations by making their leaders almost positive, leaving no place for the values ​​of legality. They told him all kinds of things. But he was right. What will they say today when the prosecutor of Naples, Nicola Gratteri, rightly says the same things?”, exults Senator Gasparri. Who then harshly criticizes Geolier and Amadeus, with a targeted invective: “Gratteri then preferred do not comment on the protagonist of the well-known rapper from Sanremo and has today met with undeserved success. But the non-answer is an answer. Some “non-singers” represent the worst of Italian society and propagate ignorance and shocking behavior. Instead of showing them on public television, they should be sent to a school to meditate on their ignorance and the negativity they spread. Rai should criticize itself in this regard. Amadeus is a bad teacher. Some rappers are the worst in Italy.”

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