Goodbye to Alessandra Valeri Manera, author of “Cat's Eyes” and many other cartoon themes sung by Cristina D'Avena

Alessandra Valeri Manera, responsible for Mediaset's children's programs for years, has died at the age of 67. Her creativity lies behind many of the most famous songs performed by Cristina D'Avena and which marked the childhood of entire generations. Valeri Manera had started collaborating with the singer since the 1980s. With D'Avena, he had written numerous musical themes for cartoons. Among his best-known collaborations are that for the theme song of “Occhi di Cat”, as well as “L'Incantazione Creamy” and “Magica Doremi”. Valeri Manera had in fact discovered Cristina D'Avena, as the singer herself recalled in an interview with La Stampa: “I really started this life by chance with the theme song of “Bambino Pinocchio” – explained the singer – but this was followed by other 730. The PGA audience liked this little song and Mediaset made me sing a third, a fourth and Alessandra Valeri Manera, head of children's television Biscione, m 'discovered while creating the whole machine.

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