Giorgia Meloni's decree against healthcare waiting lists: “There is no money, it makes no sense”

The meeting of the Council of Ministers will take place at Palazzo Chigi at 11:30 a.m. On the menu, a draft decree-law entitled “Urgent measures to reduce waiting times for health services” and a draft law entitled “Measures to guarantee health services”. Giorgia Meloni and Orazio Schillaci will present it and Giancarlo Giorgetti will attempt to create a wall in the name of the Mef. For cost reasons. But the subject is too important for the Prime Minister who aims to make a breakthrough during the European elections. As visit deadlines increase, the subject had already been addressed in the budget law. Without obviously solving the problem.

The two new features

The decree explains today The imprint, contains two new features. The first, illustrated by the explanatory note of the provision, is that “if the services are not provided within the time limits set by the priority classes in force, the companies guarantee the citizen the intramural service or through the intermediary of the individual accredited”. And it is specified that “the modalities are defined by order of the Minister of Health within 60 days following the entry into force of the conversion law”. It is precisely on this point that they seem rather nervous in via XX Settembre. Because if individuals must guarantee services to the patient (who will still have to advance the money), there is a risk of increasing costs which the ministry estimates at around one billion euros. And that was enough to make Giorgetti jump out of his chair, more and more nervous (even though he denied the resignation rumors yesterday).

Visits on Saturday and Sunday

Then there are visits and diagnostic tests on Saturday and Sunday. As well as in the evening. Here too, there is a coverage problem that is quite difficult to resolve, given that evening work is more remunerative, as is work on public holidays. Schillaci stressed that the half a billion guaranteed to the Regions over three years has not yet been spent. And so these funds are available. In addition, a rule prohibits the closing of reservation books and obliges the individual to share theirs with the Regional Cup, under penalty of jeopardizing the agreement. The Cup will also have the obligation to recall citizens who book visits but do not carry them out. This represents 20% of cases. We plan to force you to pay for the ticket anyway. Let's also stop the double work of doctors.

The critics

At stake is also the overall 15% increase in the fund for personnel expenses. While in the bill there is a 20% increase in the hourly rate for additional services, with a flat rate tax of 15% for the same overtime hours. The increase in the hourly rate of ASL outpatient specialists from 60 to 100 euros has been postponed. Who are committed to reducing waiting lists and missions of independent professionals to trainees in order to reduce them. And also the possibility for pharmacies to carry out first-level analyses. But among the Regions called upon to discuss it, the criticism is always the same: “A decree without money makes no sense and we are already adopting many of these measures”.

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