Giorgia Meloni's anger against Putin's Matteo Salvini: “It's intolerable”

“These exits put us in difficulty and lock us into an electoral niche.” It is in the internal discussions of the League that the elected representatives of the Northern League express all their doubts about secretary Matteo Salvini. The casus belli is the comments on the elections in Russia. Which demonstrates that the Captain is “a problem” and that his position is “intolerable” according to Giorgia Meloni. Because he aims to win a few more votes for the European elections. In the hope of reaching a consensus among Putinists. Who in Italy have a considerable weight of voice. But it risks sinking. And above all to undermine the balance of the center-right government. On war and anti-vax, this is the Prime Minister's reasoning. Mobilize the far-right electorate against her.

The background

Today I'm talking about a prime minister who is furious with her deputy prime minister The Republic and the Corriere della Sera. In their background stories, they describe Meloni as “angry.” Especially when the press agency Reuters in English, it echoes Salvini's words: “Italy's deputy prime minister distanced himself from Western leaders' critical response to Putin's landslide victory, saying voters' verdict should be accepted.” A disastrous summary. Which happens precisely in the year of the Italian presidency of the G7. A sentence which for Meloni represents the confirmation of Salvini's strategy: unable to move forward on subjects which are dear to him such as that of migrants, he tries to make himself heard by the far-right electorate by straightening his hair to mobilize. And try to get votes in the European elections. A necessary strategy to survive.

Giorgia's fury

And which nevertheless endangers the Italian geopolitical balance. This is why Meloni is furious. It is for this reason that yesterday he asked Antonio Tajani to reiterate the executive's line. With the Northern League, however, the request for rectification turns into a party note which nevertheless seems to reiterate the Captain's words. As he plays his game while also looking abroad. Because he believes that the probable victory of Donald Trump in the American elections could, in one way or another, modify the balance of the war between Russia and Ukraine. And transform public opinion's perception of the war. Leaving Meloni in the position of someone who must necessarily be at Zelensky's side. Risking consensus at the ballot box. Also because of the hugs and kisses with Joe Biden.

A crack in government

According to Mail what is about to open with the Putinist departure of Salvini is a fissure in the government. This is why Meloni in the interview he records Agora and which will be broadcast this morning speaks of a “cohesive majority” in foreign policy. Because, the reasoning goes, words spoken in front of journalists are just words. The concrete facts show that the government is taking sides. While the outings will end when they are resolved by consensus. But the Deputy Prime Minister is also mentioned in the internal discussions of the League. The imprint he says the embarrassment is becoming more and more palpable. While communications experts note that under the captain's post on the elections in Russia, every third comment is negative. This is why yesterday no one dared to follow the leader on his path.

The malaise of moderate members of the Northern League

But the malaise of the moderate Northern League is expressed in internal discussions. Strictly anonymous. But be clear when designing a scenario in which an increasingly isolated captain fights a battle for survival, even within the Northern League. Where there are always those who wonder where the one who took the League from 7 to 30% of the votes ended up. And which now risks bringing it back to 7. The signal from the elections in Abruzzo (120,000 votes lost) seems clear. While the lost battle for the Third Term led to a lot of friction with the La Liga Veneta component. Who is now even thinking of dividing the center-right with a flag candidacy. But Salvini's trial has just begun. His positions “are no longer understandable”. And when the other deputies ask them to account, “we don’t even know how to respond”.

Cover photo from: Agence Nova

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